Automation of analytical protocols
Laboratories automation through implementing new technologies and software for the analysis and / or quality control of drugs, food, environmental and biological samples.
In recent years, a clear trend towards the automation of laboratory analytical processes has been observed, which has increased the efficiency, precision and quality of chemical analysis.
Analytical instrumentation is used to obtain information on the composition and nature of materials based on their physicochemical properties. Some of its applications are: environmental analysis, anti-doping tests of athletes, food safety, forensic medicine, pharmaceutical industry, proteomics, etc.
The UIB has experience in the design and development of laboratory analytical instrumentation based on flow stream systems and its components such as valves, liquid drivers and interfaces to modern analytical detection instruments. In addition, it has the necessary equipment to develop devices and electronic controllers, such as software and DLLs (Dynamic-Lynk Libraries) for the control of laboratory analytical instrumentation.
Previously, researchers of the UIB have designed flow-based analytical methodology for handling of complex samples, including sample pretreatment for the determination of both organic inorganic species.