Economic analysis of the impacts of P2P platforms on tourist accommodation

Service for the study of the economic effects of tourist accommodation

The new way of commercialising holiday accommodation through P2P platforms offers new development opportunities and new regulatory challenges. Families get income from their homes, and tourists spend places where tourism did not go before. This generates multiple effects on the employment, income and demand of public goods at the local level. This type of tools also introduce an open market competition of hosting.

A research group from the University studies P2P platforms and institutions, in order to understand the scope of this type of activity in the territory, advise on the decision making of how this activity can be regulated and establish optimal measures that maximize social welfare and reduce costs.


A research group from the University of the Balearic Islands has prepared the study: «Myth and reality of vacation rental in the Balearic Islands». This report focuses on analyzing the employment and income data of a vacation rental website. The results show the enormous potential that this type of tourism has for society, as well as some limitations that make necessary a proper regulation.


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Logotipus del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats