Analysis and interpretation of massive data in the audiovisual and tourism sector
The University offers its knowledge in Big Data analysis in audiovisual and tourism sectors.
The analysis of Big Data obtained from the different mobile connections that users make to Internet networks or social networks during a certain period of time makes it possible to obtain profiles of special importance for different sectors, such as tourism or audiovisual.
Concerning the application in the tourism sector, this analysis and interpretation of Big Data allows to obtain profiles of mobility and preferences on our territory, as well as the establishment of relationships, for example, between the type of hotel hired and the Restaurants or the leisure activities that are carried out. Through this system, Big Data can also be analyzed from comments on social networks or web pages that score a specific product or service according to the recommendations and / or comments of users. By making a semantic or language analysis of the content of these web pages, hotels can be classified according to the recommendations of their guests, a relationship can be established between this classification and a specific service (access to free or paid Wi-Fi) or detect "trolls" in comments, etc.
Regarding the application in the audiovisual sector, thanks to the massive use of social networks, such as Twitter or Facebook, and the analysis of its activity, it is possible to analyze how television series fans clubs are formed and , with this, extracting audience data.