Advice on personality rights

Advice and elaboration of legal resolutions on issues related to the Law of personality.


The Rights of Personality, according to articles 15 and 18 of the Spanish Constitution, are those inviolable rights inherent in the person and that all norms must respect, which are inalienable, does not expire, cannot be waived and cannot be encumbered. They can be divided into three groups:

  • Life and physical integrity
  • Freedoms: religious and worship, personal, residence and circulation, assistance, etc.
  • Moral integrity and reserved area of the person and right to the name

The injury of these rights gives rise to the moral right and the obligation to repair the damage caused.

A research group from the UIB of the Department of Law offers its advice as well as the elaboration of legal resolutions on personality law.

In collaboration with:

Logotipus del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats