Advice on security protocols and opinions drafting on electronic commerce
The University, thanks to its extensive knowledge of e-commerce security, offers an advisory service aimed at all those companies with online sales service.
Opinions and reports on legal issues related to electronic commerce for litigation matters are made, both in the judicial and extrajudicial fields. The purpose is to have the opinion of experts on the degree of compliance of companies in matters of regulations to avoid, preventively, the possible illegal breaches. This service can deal with different topics, such as electronic signatures and certificates, certification service providers, electronic contracting, protection of consumer rights, electronic payment methods, application of new technologies to the work of mercantile societies, protection of data, online reputation of hotel groups (TripAdvisor), etc.
In addition, this service allows analyzing the level of security in the various operations that make up e-commerce, such as the stage of hiring, payment, sending information, etc. And, especially, the applicability of security measures to environments such as mobile platforms (eg avoid data capture, false impersonation, etc.). They would be aimed at any sector companies with online sales.