Invasive species management
Identification, monitoring and control of populations of invasive species.
The introduction of invasive alien species is considered the second leading cause of species extinction globally. In addition to having numerous negative effects on ecosystems and indigenous biodiversity, biological invasions are a threat to humans, as they can affect primary productive activities such as agriculture or trigger public health problems.
The UIB has a multidisciplinary team with expertise in the identification, monitoring and control of invasive alien species. Some of the tools that are applied and are very useful for the monitoring and control of invasive species are geographic information systems (GIS), sensor systems or GPS. In addition, technical studies are carried out for the application of preventive measures taking into account the biology and ecology of the species, its diffusion and impact on the environment.
Researchers and students from the UIB have launched a citizen science application for the detection and monitoring of the Asian wasp (Vespa velutina) in the Balearic Islands. This invasive exotic species is a natural predator of bees and is a threat to beekeeping and the environment.