Design and elaboration of environmental monitoring plans

This service includes the design of the monitoring plans, sample collection and conservation, analysis and determination of the selected parameters, and interpretation of the results.

Development and application of environmental monitoring programs, especially in waste management and treatment facilities, in order to minimize the environmental impact.

The execution of an environmental monitoring plan includes the design of appropriate sampling methods, obtaining samples and conserving them, as well as the analysis and determination of the parameters that should be controlled. Along with the results report, it may be offered an interpretation and a purpose of corrective measures, if appropriate.

Finally, environmental impact assessment studies can be also requested, which are necessary before monitoring plans design.


Our group, through the UIB official "Laboratory of Environmental Analytical Chemistry - LQA2", by a collaboration agreement between TIRME company and UIB, is in charge since more than 25 years to design and execute the monitoring plan for the solid urban waste incinerator. In this program, several environmental aspects are under study in a variety of samples, such as water, atmospheric emissions, soils, and by-products such as slag, ash and compost. A great number of parameters are controlled.


In collaboration with:

Logotipus del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats