Application of mathematical and statistical models in network-based systems for comparison and detection of changes

Based on a set of data represented as a network, these models allow a comparison of graphic models in sectors such as biology, with the aim of knowing, for example, how diseases affect people's metabolism.


Vegetal ecosystems are also related and with these graphic models changes that they suffer over time can be detected, such as mutations or those derived from the direct action of man. The study of these changes can help to manage and conserve biodiversity, taking measures to prevent the extinction of some species. These models have also been applied to maps of areas with known archaeological sites to predict new areas with high possibilities to find deposits and, therefore, are a very useful tool in the conservation of archaeological heritage.

In addition, the research group facilitates a computer program that the client can use, not only during the service they request, but also later.


In collaboration with:

Logotipus del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats