Lifestyles consultancy, health promotion and healthy environments

Design, management and evaluation of programs, projects and resources in the field of health.

Healthy lifestyles are patterns of health-related behaviours that are influenced by multiple factors from personal, social and environmental nature. Proper eating habits and regular physical activity are an important part of these lifestyles and have been associated with a decrease in the risk of developing illnesses and an increase in the quality of life of people.

A multidisciplinary research group from the UIB is specialized in development of projects that contribute to the development of healthy lifestyles.

This service includes:

  • Individual or collective nutrition evaluation and advices
  • Design of spaces that protect and promote health, socialization and healthy leisure activities
  • Advice on physical exercise programs in both healthy and special groups: chronic diseases, children, the elderly, the disabled, etc.


A research group from the UIB and the Taekwondo Easy Sports Club have signed a collaboration agreement for the individualized nutrition counselling of athletes and the design of healthy menus. Nutrition assessment studies (taking into account clinical history, assessment of intake through questionnaires, etc.) have also been carried out and training has been given in sports nutrition and healthy habits.


In collaboration with:

Logotipus del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats