Production of school books and other tools to improve language skills

Design and realization of informational books and school books for children, families and professionals of the educational community.

Design and realization of educational resources for children of primary and secondary education that allows them to experiment and discover in a playful way the natural and cultural environment through innovative pedagogical resources.

Material is also prepared to improve reading comprehension, spelling and language skills, especially for children with speech and writing problems.

On the other hand, courses are held for professionals in the educational field interested in improving language skills.


Researchers of the UIB have a history of more than thirty years in the development of educational resources for children with learning problems.

An example is the collection of progressive reading tales "De mica en mica" (Little by little). It consists of twenty-one booklets that can be used both as a material for learning reading at school and for first readings at home or classroom library.



In collaboration with:

Logotipus del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats