Design of attention programs for cultural diversity

A research group from the University of the Balearic Islands has been working several years on the broad and complex theme of multiculturalism and the attention to cultural diversity, from the perspective of inclusive education.


From this perspective, researchers work in training, advising and designing intercultural education programs, in order to ensure interaction and coexistence between the different cultures resident in the Islands, in order to achieve a fairer and more equitable society, based on the respect and acceptance of the difference.

This task is based on evidences such associodemographic data regarding the different cultural groups of the Balearic Islands, as well as the analysis of these, both qualitatively and quantitatively, finally obtaining the subsequent intervention proposal.


The proposals are addressed to public and private entities and are carried out from a focus both macro and micro-social, without ever losing the socio-educational perspective.


Experience in this field ranges from participation in international projects (Network of experts on cultural diversity in education. Panel of research on cultural management, human rights protection and international solidarity in education, 2012-2013) to state R + D + I  (Intercultural education in the Balearic Islands, teaching proposal for primary education, 2002-2005) and the coordination and management of autonomous work days (Pedagogical Conversations) the thematic background of which is intercultural education.

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Logotipus del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats