Applied ecology: management and monitoring of the autochthonous and exotic biodiversity of the Balearic Islands

Fauna and flora ecological studies of the Balearic Islands, mainly endangered species and exotic invasive species.

The biodiversity of a territory is defined by the number of species present in the area, but also by its genetic variability and by the ecosystems diversity that we can find in the territory.

A multidisciplinary team from the UIB is expert in the management and monitoring of the native and exotic biodiversity of a territory. This service includes:

  • Native fauna of the Balearic Islands ecological studies.
  • Ecological studies about introduced and invasive fauna and flora in the Balearic Islands and their effects on local biodiversity.
  • Biochemical and physiological responses studies of different animal and plant species to the influence of environmental factors, known as Ecological Biochemistry.
  • Biodiversity databases creation as a tool for innovation of nature tourism products, biodiversity management, environmental education and transfer of scientific knowledge.
  • Elaboration and planning of biodiversity routes such as ornithological routes, botanical routes, or routes for the observation of butterflies, among others. It has environmental education, tourism and science purpose.
  • Fauna and flora management plans development, as well as specific biodiversity management documents for protected natural areas.


Ferrer Hotels and the UIB have signed a collaboration agreement to carry out studies of the Mallorca midwife toad also ferreret (Alytes muletensis) ecology conservation, a native endanger specie. This agreement allowed a study of ferrerets adult population in different populations of the Serra de Tramuntana.


The UIB and Red Eléctrica de España have signed a specific collaboration agreement to create an Internet portal, which will be called BioBal, and a mobile application of the Balearic Islands biodiversity as a tool for the nature tourism development. A research group from the UIB, other research centres and experts in biodiversity, will be responsible for managing BioBal and providing the contents (ornithological and botanical routes, marine species information, natural areas, natural interested points, etc. .).

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A research group from the UIB studies snakes introduction impact on Formentera, Ibiza and Mallorca in collaboration with the Species Protection Service and the Consortium for Fauna Recovery of the Balearic Islands. Study is funded by the Ministry of Innovation, Research and Tourism through European FEDER funds, by the special action AAEE002 / 17 «Ecology of the leader snake (Rhinechis scalaris) and the horseshoe whip snake (Hemorrhois hippocrepis) at the Balearic Islands: Fundamentals for demographic control ».

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