Advice on family law and inheritance law

Advice on issues related to family rights and inheritance law: marriage annulment; separation; testament; inheritance; divorce; periodical payments; child pension; custody and right of visits; adoptions; fostering; minors, etc.

Family law is the part of civil law its purpose is regulate family legal relationships: conjugal relations, parent-child relationships (in both property and personal aspects), custody, protection of minors and disabled, etc.

The Law of successions is defined as the rights that regulate the transfer of the assets of a deceased person to another in life. There are two types of succession: recognized according to the will of the deceased (testamentary) or recognized in the law for the absence of a will (intestate).

Thanks to its experience and knowledge, the University offers advice on issues related to these subjects.

In collaboration with:

Logotipus del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats