Planning of tourist destinations

Elaboration of a strategic tourism plan to improve the competitiveness of the tourism sector.

Typologies of alternative tourism to the traditional 'sun and beach' are part of the tourist policy promoted by the Government and councils in order to deseasonalize the main economic activity of the Balearic Islands. During the mid-season and low season only a small part of the productive capacity of the islands remains active, so it is possible to improve the competitiveness and profitability of the tourism sector by applying a model of exploitation that includes the promotion, creation, commercialization and dissemination of activities linked to the different markets defined by AETIB. Culture, health, gastronomy, ecotourism, luxury, active tourism and sport are areas where the tourism offer must be boosted outside the summer season, in order to improve the level of employment, the quality of the offer and the added value of other non-tourist sectors that are linked to it. The design of routes and itineraries, information and dissemination materials, events and local products that can be consolidated all year round, a quality tourist offer, is a challenge to be achieved by the different administrations and also by companies; all this in a context where vacation rental wherever authorized makes easier the distribution demand and favors the use of the territorial resources of municipalities that do not have a sufficient traditional tourist accommodation offer.

A research group from the UIB offers a service aimed at the realization of planning models for tourist destinations for companies and councils that want to increase the quality of their products or resources, adapt the accommodation demand to existing tourism products or request technical advice on different proposals related to the planning of services, products and activities that contribute to create value and improve the annual distribution of the global tourist flow.


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Logotipus del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats