Promotion of high intellectual abilities and creativity

Counseling and evaluation of high cognitive abilities and development of research and intervention projects linked to the promotion of intelligence, creativity and learning in gifted and talented children, adolescents and adults. 

People with high intellectual abilities demonstrate remarkably high responses, or the necessary potential to achieve them, compared to other individuals of the same age or experience or the same environment.

A research group from the UIB is specialized in work with intelligence, creativity and high capacities (precocity, talent, giftedness, double exceptionalities ...).

This service includes:

  • Advice and support for people with high capacities and their families.
  • Advice to educators, educational teams and other professionals in this field.
  • Performing diagnostics for the detection, issuance of evaluation reports as well as the preparation of personalized educational guidelines for each case.


The PACiS group (Program of Attention to High Intellectual Capacities) has several professionals specialized in intelligence and creativity who developed their task in the educational field, from direct intervention with children and young people to the training and information of the different agents of the educational community, families, teachers and other professionals.

Recently, a collaboration agreement has been signed between the Ministry of Education and the University of the Balearic Government and the UIB for the implantation of a protocol for the identification of gifted students. The implementation of the protocol includes the specific training of the teaching staff in identification and intervention, both in the first year of primary education and in the first year of ESO.

logo pacis

In collaboration with:

Logotipus del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats